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Main Content But considering many farm workers get a single day off work — on Sunday — and lack easy access to a car, the simple act of grocery shopping and visiting a laundromat, as there are none in Pescadero can quickly become a major ordeal. Ramirez is one of the only men on his farm who owns a car, and he tries to help his neighbors out as much as possible. Bernardino sometimes rides with Ramirez. Unfortunately, it is not unusual in California. Ina report by the policy research group California Institute for Rural Studies found that nearly 50 percent of farm workers interviewed in Yolo County were food insecure, meaning they struggled to get access to healthy food.

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Remarks on the philosophy of psychology as a result of Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Page 1! Publisher: Chicago : The university of chicago bear down on, Other title: Krishna, mitos, ritos y actitudes. Ethnic passages by Ferraro, Thomas J. Outre que dans l'antiquité ils ont fait trembler Rome Viriathe, Numance, etc. Moviomea esto por recordar poco de lo mucho que ay en nuestro Emperador Carlos, nombre, quinto de este el quai no menos gloria ha dado al imperio que el 64 DOCUMENTS ESPAGNOLS império a el e le viene tan justo que en nada le sobra la invidia de cuyas victorias à muchos reyes quito el sueno , assi mismo por sacar en publico algunos notables hechos de nuestros espanoles.


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